Hosting a successful soirée comes down to four main things — good company, good music, tasty beverages and most importantly, delicious food. The reality is, not all of us are equipped with either the skills or tools to cook up a delectable feast for our friends. Luckily, private chef Anthony Price’s catering and delivery services are ensuring that we don’t need to be, and his premium quality sashimi box is set to be the next big thing.

Price’s entry-level box (pictured above) is designed to feed six to eight adults and features a variety of marine cuisine. For $295, you will receive melt-in-the-mouth salmon, plump scampi, incredibly fresh tuna, lush scallops and more, with the line-up subject to change depending on market availability (this also means that the sashimi will always be as fresh as possible). All the seafood is sourced from the sustainable Sanford & Sons at Auckland Fish Market, Lee Fish and Hawke’s Bay Seafood.

Price tells me that 24-hours notice is all he needs to whip up one of these delicious boxes and organise to have it delivered to your doorstep (as long as the journey is within one and a half hours). The delivery fee is additional but will ensure that the sushimi is still vibrant and fresh for your guests arrival.
Leaving the catering to an expert, you can turn your attention to the people, the music and the drinks, which will undoubtedly result in your being crowned this season’s host with the most.