An unmistakable beach retreat with a minimalist finish and maximum appeal

If you arrived at one of interior designer Mim Fanning’s most recent projects blindfolded, when the mask finally slipped you would easily be able to identify your location to the authorities, but with the attention to detail in this brilliant beach house, would you really want to be found?

Perched moments from the rocky beach of Sorrento in Victoria, Fanning focused on subtle ways of referencing the raw elements of the outdoors by taking a minimalist route, where tactile furnishings and textured finishes enliven the restrained backdrop. 

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The generous living space, expansive dining table and substantial kitchen island, all emerged from Fanning’s long experience creating beach retreats and showcase homes in Australia. Her business Mim Design is celebrating 20 years of operation, with a strong clientele that return for her relaxed and refined approach.

“We are finding our clients also want to focus strongly on the family ‘hub’,” Fanning said in a recent interview. “Creating spaces that keep the family together, whether around a large open fire or centralised dining space; gone are the days where rumpus and theatre rooms have been added. It is all about family time and socialising together in one space.”

The flow between the inside and outdoors is regulated by sliding glazed walls, with the symmetry acknowledging the mid century styles at work throughout the home. With incredible views, inside and out, there’s no need for a blindfold ever again,


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