Art direction — Amber Armitage/ Marigold
Photography — Wendy Fenwick/ Flash Studios
While the colour pink may have dominated the cultural sphere across the past year, don’t let that deter you — trends come and go, but this warm hue is enduring, particularly when it comes to conceiving a creative space for little ones.

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Far from the poppy Barbie hue rendering just about everything imaginable at present, the dusty, subtle tones employed in this charming playroom offer a timeless yet playful ambience, bringing a soft femininity to the space. Paired with creamy neutrals and tactile furnishings, soft pinks take on an easy elegance in a kid’s play space, and can easily be used to create a cosy, welcoming spot that inspires creativity.
Of course, before considering any major colour changes, it is always to the experts at Resene that we turn first, who not only know how to combine colours in a way that brings out the best of each, but possess a deep understanding of the hues of pink that will best suit your child’s personality and play.

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