Ever thought about a green interior? Resene is making ‘eco-friendly’ chicer than ever

If you haven’t noticed, green is everywhere at the moment. Whether it pops up on the key pieces in renowned designers’ collections or rears its verdant head in beautiful homes, green is the tone du jour, and considering how it used to be largely relegated to the ‘acquired taste’ category, its emergence feels sudden and ubiquitous.

But perhaps its trendiness is a reflection of our growing awareness around important ‘green’ issues — like carbon emissions, waste and the use of toxic, chemical-based products. If we look to the longstanding maestros of paint, Resene, green is far more than just a tone to slap on your wall or add to a room’s detailing (although Resene’s palettes that fall into this category really do add some flair to interiors). The company also has a comprehensive, environmental programme for paint that allows us to ensure our homes are finished in the most sustainable way possible — whatever colour we choose.

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Resene’s Environmental Choice approved product range, includes an extensive array of paints that have been independently verified as having no added VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or having particularly low VOC content. VOCs have become largely condemned for their emissions — ozone-depleting emissions — that contribute significantly to climate concerns. Traditionally, VOCs have been very present in surface coatings, including household paints, but Resene (after it introduced waterborne enamels decades ago) established itself early on as the leaders in a new, more sustainable way of painting.

Beyond the paint itself, Resene also encourages people to return any surplus or unwanted paint with its packaging to its unique, PaintWise recycling programme — an innovative scheme that focuses on facilitating a more closed-loop system around the waste of Resene products. (There are a number of PaintWise collection sites set up around the country, find your nearest here.) Or if you wanted to take things one step further, Resene even offers a network of Resene Eco.Decorators — highly trained painting contractors whose methods have been certified as adhering to strict sustainability guidelines. They will not only complete your decorating project but will ensure that every step of the job is done in line with up-to-date, environmentally-aware practices. Find a Resene Eco.Decorator here.

So whether you’re buying into the new tonal trend or not, you don’t need to like the colour green to render your interior a ‘green’ one. Thinking about the importance of environmental standards in our homes (as well as outside of it) is something we should all be actively doing — and Resene is making it easier than ever.


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