Anna Rees.

Anna Rees of Tim Webber on wood-turning, biotecture, and the ancient meditation seeing her through lockdown

As the Head of Residential Sales for Tim Webber, Anna Rees has had many beautiful furniture and art objects pass through her hands. Here she shares what has caught her attention currently, and the furniture styles that will make an enduring impression on your living spaces.

My personal style can be defined as: Calming and minimal, utilising organic materials and tones.

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The last thing I bought and loved was: A second-hand silk pillowcase, which I then dyed in the Shibori technique using walnut husks from my grandma’s tree. 


An unforgettable place I visited was: Detroit! I was amazed by the everyday architecture and the revival of small communities.

The next place I’d like to go to: I’d like to explore more of the South Island, stopping at all the op shops, antique stores and pottery studios along the way.

An object I would never part with is: My first wood-turned bowl made from Rewarewa.

On my wish list is: A kiln.

From left: Anna Rees hand-dyed pillow; Anna Rees wood-turned bowl.

When I was younger, I wanted to be: An art teacher.

I am inspired by: Handcrafted goods that show mastery and discipline in a practice.

My favourite app is: Probably the Mindbody app as it allows me to book in my yoga classes at Eastwest Yoga!

My guilty pleasure is: Wooden bowls. I learned how to wood-turn around the age of 19 and it has given me such respect for woodturners. It’s a struggle to walk past a hand-turned bowl and not pick it up.

My secret talent is: Making really delicious salads.

The best book I’ve read in the last year is: Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson. It’s a slow read for me and I’m still making my way through it, but I have gained so much from it already.

Francis Upritchard, The Curve, 2018.

I can’t miss an episode of: I’ve never been big on movies or TV series, but honestly, I’d say Rick and Morty (also another guilty pleasure). 

In my fridge you’ll always find: Happy Happy Soy Boy milk.

I recently discovered: My love for the pottery wheel.

If price were not an issue, the one artist whose work I would collect is: Francis Upritchard. Her talent is undeniable.

The last meal out I had that truly impressed me was: My first time ever having ribs approximately one week prior to lockdown at Smokin Cole BBQ. I’ve caught myself dreaming about them a few times since.

The podcasts I listen to are: Expanded by To Be Magnetic, Duncan Trussell Family Hour and Tales of a Red Clay Rambler.

The best gift I ever received was: A rather eccentric Laurie Steer mug!

The Trace table and Bensen Torii chair from Tim Webber.
Grayson sofa from Tim Webber.

The latest music I’m loving is: Over the past couple of months, I haven’t been straying too far from Krishna Das. Kirtan is a form of meditation, which has been serving me well recently.

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is: We’re all doing the best we can, with the tools we have at any given moment.

My favourite three pieces in our showroom right now are: The Trace table, Bensen Torii chair, and Grayson sofa.

Earthship by Mike Reynolds in Taos, New Mexico.

I’m obsessed with the work of: American Architect, Mike Reynolds. His Earthship Biotecture movement is incredibly inspiring and I hope to one day have the opportunity to build one myself.

The one thing people should invest their money on when it comes to furniture is: A beautiful sofa or dining suite. Both are anchors in the home that bring people together and subsequently undergo a lot of use. Investing in high-quality materials and design that provides the opportunity for the objects to stay around for longer, and in some cases, be passed down through generations. 


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